
friend(s), a person who you can laugh with, cry with, sit in silence with, talk with, grow with. over the years we’ve seen friends come and go into our lives. people who mattered, some who didn’t.

friend(s), a person who can be honest to you and with you, who isn’t scared to tell you the truth, no matter how harsh or painful it may be or will be.

how do you take your vitamins?

whatever happened to just eating a piece of fruit? now a days all you see are vitamin C shots, smoothies which replace a whole meal and all kinds of detox juices. and yes, I also went along with the different “intake” of vitamins. the smoothie bowl. which, to be honest, is my all time favorite. 

one sneeze or cough, is enough to convince myself to run home, take my blender out the kitchen cabinet and throw in, all my frozen fruits. you can also use fresh fruits but than you have to add ice cubs for the real smoothie effect. I prefer the fruits to be frozen though.

I started with smoothie bowls in the beginning of 2020 and I am addicted ever since. you can never get bored cause there are a lot of different yummy combinations.

why drink a smoothie when you can eat it and feel more pleased.


serving 1-2 depending on the bowl

course whenever you feel like it

cuisine gluten free, vegan

prep time 10 minutes


smoothie bowl

250 gr frozen mangos

1 ripe bananas

1 cup rasp coconut

1 cup orange juice

1 scoop protein powder of choice (optional)

1 table spoon chia seed (optional)



2 table spoons of chia seed

coconut flakes

1 sliced banana

1/2 yellow kiwi

cut the ripe bananas and put them into the blender along with the frozen mango and the orange juice. mix it all together.

add the rasp coconut, a table spoon of chia seed and protein powder (optional). blend everything again.

get a bowl, just any bowl. scoop or pour the mixture in it and top it off with the desired toppings. as written I prefer granola, chia seed, coconut flakes, banana and half a kiwi (cause the color just matches perfectly).

try it and let me know what you think. enjoy!

all that matcha’s

a letter to self-care